Refugees - Public Speaking Event

Class: Year 5 Year: 2019 - 2020

The final of the Refugee Public Speaking Competition took place in the very grand setting of the Consistory Court in Chester Cathedral this week.

 In school, KS2 children were invited to present a speech based upon the subject of refugees, following the work they have carried out in English last term. Two children from each class were then chosen to represent their class at the competition, competing against children from two other schools.

The standard of the competition was very high and all of the children were all truly excellent. They really rose to the challenge and were not fazed by the grand setting or the fact that they were being judged by the Lord High Sheriff of Cheshire and the Dean of Chester Cathedral.

All the children, even the younger children, really knew their subject and delivered their messages in a calm and collected manner, despite a number of the children reporting that they were really nervous. We were especially delighted when Evelyn was awarded first place amongst the year 6 children.

The children all did extremely well and the staff were really proud of them. Well done, everyone.



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